28 January 2023 Assignment: S02E05 - Autumn Splendor


This weeks project would allow me to focus on trees and foreground.  Something I am in desperate need of.

Again Bob uses a 2" brush - which I have not yet ventured into since I use a smaller canvas.  So heavy on the 1" bursh, knife work and the fan brush.

I think I made large progress regarding the threes, inclusive of trunks, branches and leaves.  I am also pretty pleased with the bark work on the Birch.  Now I believe in this painting Mr. Ross uses a tool to make lots of branches.  If I had to describe it I would say it looks a bit like a Phaser from the Original Star Trek series.

After some research, and many folks were asking about this paint phaser, one reader responded that it was a 1980s Bicycle Miniature Grease Gun.  Of course, everyone is looking for one - and they are nowhere to be found.  If you cannot picture what this thing looks like - just take your standard calk gun, shrink it down to something that is only a couple inches long - then make it look kinda cool (I guess).

Anyway - I felt good doing this one, I thought I was making great progress (which feels great, you know - success breeds success) and it was a good day.  Again, I seemed to be on point.

Autumn Splendor
(c) 28 January 2023 Gilbert Blankenship

Thanks for viewing.

- Gil
