4 February 2023 Assignment: S02E06 - Black River


Another black canvas effort.  I like these.  I think they turnout pretty good.

For this one I also used a trick my friend told me about - apply 1" painter's tape around the edges before painting.  It accomplishes a couple things.
  • It provides an edge for framing - so you can be sure everything is visible once framed
  • It provides an edge that, if you need to stack paintings - will protect the content while stacking
  • It helps eliminate paint buildup on the canvas around the frame backing
So while not used in the video or book - I decided to try this taping process.

Again I like the sky - but I think if I were to attempt this one again, and I probably will, I would try to keep the clouds straight instead of moving both up and down as well as from left to right.

I think the trees continue to improve and I like the reflections I achieved in this one along with the small path.

This is the first black canvas for which I applied liquid clear.  It didn't take as well as the liquid white does - and I didn't learn until later that after applying liquid clear on a black gesso'd canvas, Bob wipes it down with a paper towel.  (Note for future, remove excess under paint with a towel)

S02E06 - Black River
(c) 4 February 2023 Gilbert Blankenship

Thanks for viewing!

- Gil


  • Official Bob Ross YouTube or Streaming Channel (check your smart TV software)
  • Amazon Prime
  • DVD 
  • Book

